Who Am I...

My name is Clarence Ntumba-Kadima. I was born and raised in Kinshasa, the capital city of the Democratic Republic of Congo, where I spent over twenty years. In 2013, I moved to the United States to pursue new opportunities and further my education.

My journey in IT began in 2009 when I saw a friend register for a Cisco certification at the University of Kinshasa. This sparked my curiosity, and I started building desktops around the same time. Although my initial interest was driven by curiosity rather than passion, it laid the foundation for my technical skills. However, I eventually decided to enroll in architecture school, shifting my focus away from IT.

In 2013, I moved to the U.S. to continue my education. By 2015, I had relocated from the Carolinas to Iowa. In 2016, I met Raesen Matutu at Kirkwood Community College, where we took English classes together and became close friends. Our bond grew stronger as we navigated our new environment and supported each other in our academic pursuits. After our English classes, our paths diverged as I pursued civil engineering studies at Iowa State University. I am currently in my final year and will graduate this year with a B.S. in Civil Engineering. I work for the City of Ames as a project inspector and coordinator in the Public Works Department, where I oversee various infrastructure projects and ensure they meet safety and quality standards.

Earlier this year, Raesen introduced me to the idea of co-founding Bantu Academy. I was captivated by the concept of providing such a vital resource to the youth of our native country. The Democratic Republic of Congo desperately needs initiatives like this to secure a brighter future for its children. Raesen’s vision of early access to technology education deeply inspired me. With my love for learning and technical skills, I felt compelled to help realize this vision. Bantu Academy aims to create a safe space where the youth of the Democratic Republic of Congo can learn about technology, gain valuable skills, and unlock their potential.

Through this project, we hope to empower the next generation with the knowledge and tools they need to succeed in a rapidly evolving world. I am excited to contribute to this mission and bring enlightening knowledge to all the children who will participate in our future programs.

I have some experience in computer science and software such as Python, Salesforce, Revit, Civil 3D, AutoCAD, and GIS. These tools have been instrumental in my engineering work, allowing me to design, analyze, and manage complex projects effectively

a man riding a skateboard down the side of a ramp
a man riding a skateboard down the side of a ramp